In his inspiring TEDxMidAtlantic talk titled “My philosophy for a happy life,” Sam Berns, who lives with the rare genetic condition Progeria, shares his unique perspective on overcoming challenges and finding happiness. Despite physical limitations that prevent him from doing some things, like marching with a heavy drum due to his small size and health condition, Sam focuses on what he can do rather than what he can’t. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing passions, such as music and scouting, which bring him joy and fulfillment.Sam’s philosophy centers on three key principles. First, he accepts his limitations but directs his energy towards his abilities and interests. Second, he values surrounding himself with supportive, quality people who see beyond his condition to appreciate him for who he is. His family, friends, and school community provide him with unwavering support and genuine connections. Third, Sam advocates for maintaining a forward-thinking mindset. By always having something to look forward to, whether it’s a small event or a future career in biology, he stays motivated and resilient through difficult times.Through his personal anecdotes and positive outlook, Sam exemplifies resilience, bravery, and a deep appreciation for life’s simple joys. He encourages everyone to adopt his philosophy, urging them to focus on strengths, cherish meaningful relationships, and embrace optimism in the face of adversity.