Julian Treasure’s TED Talk, “How to Speak so that People Want to Listen,” delves into the power and importance of effective communication. Treasure begins by emphasizing the human voice as a potent instrument capable of significant impact, from instigating wars to expressing love. However, many people feel unheard when they speak. He attributes this to common detrimental speaking habits, which he dubs the “seven deadly sins of speaking”: gossiping, judging, negativity, complaining, making excuses, exaggerating, and dogmatism. These behaviors undermine effective communication and listener engagement.To counter these negative habits, Treasure introduces the acronym HAIL, which stands for Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, and Love. He advocates for honest, genuine communication where speakers are true to themselves, reliable in their words, and express goodwill towards their audience. This positive approach fosters a receptive and engaged listener base.Treasure further explores the technical aspects of voice, such as register, timbre, prosody, pace, pitch, and volume, illustrating how variations in these elements can enhance the power and appeal of one’s speech. He emphasizes the importance of vocal warm-ups to improve delivery, offering practical exercises to prepare the voice for impactful speaking.Concluding, Treasure envisions a world where people communicate consciously and listen actively, creating a more harmonious and understanding society. His talk is a call to recognize and refine our vocal abilities to connect and influence effectively.