The video “Fly with the Jetman | Yves Rossy” showcases Yves Rossy’s groundbreaking winged flight experiences. Yves Rossy, known as Jetman, pilots a unique wing that he wears as part of his body, lacking traditional aircraft controls. Instead, he uses body movements to steer. Tilting his back ascends him, while pushing his shoulders initiates a dive. The video captures his historic flights, including crossings over the English Channel and the Grand Canyon, where he uses a parachute for landing.Rossy’s equipment includes a four-engine wing with a thrust of 22 kilos per engine, and his only instruments are an altimeter and a timer. He emphasizes the thrill of flying without the confines of a traditional aircraft, likening the experience to being a bird. Despite the risks, Rossy’s approach integrates rigorous safety measures, including backup parachutes and a deep respect for both aviation principles and the unpredictable nature of flying. His future plans involve training new pilots, developing tandem flights, and eventually attempting cliff-based takeoffs.

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