In their TED performance, the Sleepy Man Banjo Boys, a trio of brothers from New Jersey, showcase their impressive bluegrass skills. Despite New Jersey not being traditionally known for bluegrass, the Mizzone brothers have embraced the genre with passion. The group consists of Robbie (14) on the fiddle, Tommy (15) on the guitar, and Jonny (10) on the banjo. They introduce their act with a blend of original compositions and unique arrangements, including a song titled “Time Lapse.”During their performance, Robbie shares the origin of their name, “Sleepy Man Banjo Boys,” which comes from when Jonny, as a young child, would practice banjo while lying on his back with his eyes closed, giving the impression of sleeping. The brothers humorously note the heavy weight of Jonny’s banjo, adding a lighthearted touch to their presentation.The boys’ dedication to bluegrass is evident in their skilled and spirited performance, making a strong impression with their technical prowess and charming personalities. The audience’s enthusiastic response reflects their appreciation for the young musicians’ talent and unique approach to the genre.

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