In her TED talk, Sandrine Thuret explores the fascinating concept of neurogenesis—the ability of the adult brain to grow new nerve cells. She begins by debunking the misconception that adults cannot generate new neurons, explaining that the hippocampus, a brain area critical for learning, memory, and mood, is capable of producing new neurons throughout adulthood.Thuret highlights several key findings:Neurogenesis in Adults: Research shows that the adult brain continues to produce new neurons, particularly in the hippocampus. This process is vital for memory and emotional regulation.Impact of Lifestyle: Neurogenesis can be influenced by various lifestyle factors:Learning: Stimulates new neuron growth.Stress: Reduces neurogenesis.Sleep Deprivation: Negatively affects neuron production.Exercise: Particularly running, boosts neurogenesis.Diet: Calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and foods rich in flavonoids and omega-3 fatty acids enhance neurogenesis, while high saturated fats and excessive alcohol hinder it.Food Texture: Chewing crunchy foods may positively influence neurogenesis compared to soft diets.Thuret also points out that neurogenesis could explain why antidepressants are effective in treating depression, as they promote the production of new neurons. She concludes by emphasizing the potential of neurogenesis to improve memory, mood, and overall mental health, urging individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles to support this process.